LETTING GO IS NOT A WEAKNESS – The Bottle water Homology
From the start of this year I’ve resolved to philosophically observe events around because life presents to us on a daily basis circumstances we can relate to.
Now to the bottle water homology
I was able to hold the bottle water from the picture for about 30 minutes or so. So so easy! You may want to try it out too
Well, i asked my colleague Ifeanyi, credited for taking these pictures, if he could try holding the bottle water a longer time, maybe for hours or perhaps few days? He retorted, "No way, it will be painful and energy sapping".
That was a succinct answer to the revelation i am about to make right now.
You will agree with me that the weight of the bottle water didn’t change at any time at all. The only thing that change was how long it was held.
The simple explanation is that the bottle represents our challenges, our problems, our worries, our anxiety about uncertainty.
The longer the bottle was held, the longer the pain we feel in both our hands and body. So also, the longer we hold our problems and worries, the more pain it can do to us.
I wont forget one of Nelson Mandela’s quote and actually one of my favourite. He said, “when I was walking out towards the gate that will lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave behind my bitterness and hatred, I will still be in prison”.
Forgiveness and letting go, and the ability to rise above the challenge that has been caused by others in our lives is such an important ability.
We need to learn to accept apology that we never received.
Sometimes, we’ve been caused pain to an extreme length
Sometimes, our heart has been broken
Sometimes, our trust has been misused
Sometimes, we’ve been exploited and felt cheated
Sometimes, our loyalty has been tested
Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another.
Let go today…forgiveness is the most powerful thing that you can do for yourself. Yet, it remains one of the least attractive things to us, largely because our egos rule so unequivocally.
It was Gandhi who said, “The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
Letting go is an act of strength. You don’t forgive because you are weak, but because you are strong enough to realize that only by letting go of resentments you will be happy and at peace.
My name is Emmanuel Tobechukwu Aniagoh, i just want to make typical sense.
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