Be Humble
"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, though hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul".
The above lyric is the first stanza of the popular hymn 'IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL'.
I've come to love this hymn while growing up because it humbles me. This morning I came alive and ready for the new week after singing this song that makes me grateful of life.
And do know what I am really grateful for this week?
I am really grateful for things going wrong just before they go right. They humbles me !
It makes me realise I haven't got it all together and that has happened a lot recently.
Things have gone really bad before things have gone really good. And it means when good things start coming along, I am a lot more gracious and a lot more humble.
And I can see that it is not because of who I am but I am so fortunate to be around so many incredible people.
So that is what I am grateful for recently.
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